What is a Deep TMS session like?

Under the helmet, patients feel a tapping sensation. Throughout the treatment patients can listen to music, read a book, watch tv, or use their phones.

What are the side effects of Deep TMS?

Deep TMS has no long term side effects. Though it is rare, early on, you may experience mild discomfort in the treated area. Scalp discomfort and mild jaw pain are the common temporary side effects.

Is dTMS similar to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?

No. ECT electrically induces seizures, causing severe side effects like memory loss. Meanwhile, dTMS utilizes brief magnetic pulses, similar to those in MRI systems, to stimulate deep brain tissues, which gently eases depression symptoms–and all with no side effects.

How is Deep TMS different than other therapies?

Antidepressants and ECT are designed to regulate and correct brain activity, but often cause unpleasant side effects. Deep TMS uses magnetic pulses to stimulate deep brain tissue, alleviating symptoms without side effects. It is highly effective for patients who have tried 1-4 antidepressants without improvement or who stopped treatment due to intolerable side effects.

Is dTMS right for everyone?

While Deep TMS is generally well tolerated, we do not recommend it for patients with metal implants in or around the head (outside of metal fillings). Call us for a free consultation to see if dTMS is right for you.

Will my symptoms come back?

Unlike other treatments for depression, Deep TMS provides long lasting relief. Data has shown that patients can experience at least two to three years of remission after dTMS treatment is complete. If after that point depressive symptoms reoccur, patients can typically be treated again in just a few treatment sessions.

Does Deep TMS only treat depression?

While dTMS certainly reduces and even eliminates symptoms of depression, it can also treat Bipolar Depression, negative symptoms of Schizophrenia, and many other illnesses. View the full list of conditions Deep TMS can treat.

Has dTMS been tested in clinical studies?

Available in the U.S., Europe, and South America, dTMS has been tested in over 60 clinical studies worldwide. This FDA approved procedure is only conducted by approved technicians.

Does insurance cover Deep TMS?

Most insurances, including Medicare, cover the out of pocket costs of Deep TMS treatment. If your insurance is not listed or is not a PPO plan, we may still accept it. Give us a call to discuss payment options.

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