Depression & Deep TMS

Although both environmental and chemical factors contribute to chronic depression, Deep TMS can reduce and eliminate symptoms for many types of depression by stimulating regions in the brain responsible for mood.


The types of depression that respond well to dTMS include, but are not limited to:

  1. Major Depression
    With Major Depression or Major Depressive Disorder, sufferers may feel depressed most of the time. Other symptoms include loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, weight loss, weight gain, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, exhaustion, and restlessness.
  2. Dysthymia
    Similar to Major Depression, Dysthymia shares many of its symptoms but is less severe and not as long lasting. Often, it co-occurs with other mood disorders like Cyclothymia (a milder variant of Bipolar Disorder). Dysthymia often causes changes in appetite and sleep patterns, decreased self-esteem, feelings of hopelessness, and fatigue.
  3. Postpartum Depression
    Peripartum or Postpartum Depression occurs in the weeks or months after childbirth. Symptoms and treatments resemble those of Major Depression.
  4. Bipolar Depression
    Bipolar Disorder is characterized by manic highs and depressive lows, with the low phase resembling Major Depression. While mood stabilizers help regulate mood, antidepressants are not always recommended for long-lasting depressive phases, as they sometimes induce mania.

If you are experiencing depressive symptoms, learn if Deep TMS can help you.

“I had no idea what to expect when I signed up for the TMS program. What I received after several weeks was well beyond anything I could have imagined. My depression is SIGNIFICANTLY better!”

Sharon E.

Clinical Info

With over 60 clinical trials worldwide, Deep TMS is a widely tested procedure that alleviates and reduces symptoms of treatment-resistant depression. Similar to an MRI, dTMS uses magnetic fields to stimulate the specific regions of the brain responsible for mood.


Patients wear a helmet with patented H-coil technology to target nerve cells with brief pulses, easing depression symptoms by rebalancing abnormal structures in deeper brain tissues. Studies show that manifestations of psychiatric illness are not solely the result of abnormality in one isolated brain region; the larger and deeper regions stimulated by H-coil technology greatly impacts and reduces depression symptoms.


Unlike antidepressants and ECT, Deep TMS has no long term side effects, though there may be some local discomfort during initial treatment. Meanwhile, antidepressants can cause dizziness, nausea, headache, dry mouth, and weight gain, while ECT may require hospitalization and can even contribute to memory loss.


Deep TMS acts as an alternative to antidepressant drug therapy and is available to patients who have failed to see results with at least one antidepressant. An NIH-sponsored STAR-D study found that 63% of major depression patients do not respond to the first line of antidepressant treatment, while 33% do not respond to any drug treatment at all. Meanwhile, the Brainsway™ multi-center trial revealed that 33% of patients who failed to benefit from one prior antidepressant medication achieved symptom remission with dTMS.

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